To Geeks are Sexy Fans: Facebook Limits Pages’ Reach to Their Readers… Again


I’ve posted this as a status update on the Geeks are Sexy Facebook page, and I’ll repost it here because it affects this site (as well as all the other sites you support) so much.

Well, Facebook just tweaked their algorithm that displays our stories to your feed again, meaning that there’s now less people than ever that will see content that pages publish.

Needless to say, this will have a HUGE impact on small to medium publishers like me. I’ve worked like CRAZY to build the Geeks Are Sexy Facebook page to the point it is now, and to see it reach less and less people is devastating.

I totally understand what Facebook is doing though, after all Facebook is all about friends, but I’d like to think that some of you consider me as a friend. 🙂 I’m not a big business after all, just a single guy working from home trying to entertain people, and have been doing it since 2005. (full time since 2011)

For those of you who have Facebook pages, have you noticed a difference? I’ve seen a huge drop in traffic from Facebook starting two days ago. I know I’m not alone, many of my friends who have pages are reporting the exact same thing as well.

As someone suggested, what you can do is to set up our stories so they show up first. Go the Geeks are Sexy page directly, hover on the “liked” button, and select “See First.”

If you’re wondering what this update is about, read this story over at What Facebook Thinks Your News Feed Is Really About.

For those of you who enjoy what I do and want to help make the site less dependent on ads and page views, you can support Geeks are Sexy by contributing a small (or big!) amount to our Patreon campaign. Even $1 per month can make a huge difference if many people decide to help!


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