The shockingly low salary of dallas cowboy cheerleaders

As sexy and dynamic they might look, the Dallas cowboy cheerleaders receive a meagre salary as compared to other cheerleaders. The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, whose grueling audition and training process has been well-documented, are similarly stingy. The women make $150 per home game, and there is no pay for rehearsals, of which there are many.


However, although $150 a week sounds like a small amount of money, most of the cheerleaders do it for the prestige. The job itself is very difficult to get and, once on the squad, a girl is only guaranteed one year on the team. Each girl must try out annually.


In order to audition, a girl must be at least 18 years old. She must be a high school graduate or have acquired her GED and be able to attend all rehearsals and games. Being a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader is not a full-time job.


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