How to spice up the bedroom with Indian spices – Effect guaranteed?

Spice up by definition literally means adding spices to add zest.  As we all know, the hottest and most famous spices of all are Indian spices. To break up the monotony of life in a couple, it is imperative to add some spice. So the question is how to spice up the bedroom with Indian spices? Well, you wont need to look far, because I have found the solution for you for maximum spice in your nights.

The Chicken Tikka Masala Condom by Durex

how to spice up the bedroom

Your nights are boring and without flavor? Made from original spices from India, this will spice up your life in bed. The ‘Chicken Tikka Masala’ is one of the best and hottest flavors in India, so it will obviously help you and your partner keep each other awake the whole night. This is a limited edition, grab it before it is too late. If you missed it, you can still use this one as a replacement.


If you are still unsure about the power of Durex condoms, you can check out these condom ads to convince you.


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