5 funny short stories for adults to surprisingly frighten you in just only 2 sentences

Halloween seems just like yesterday and already gone by, however the fear of the event is still here. New York-based artist and CollegeHumor head illustrator Jacob Andrews has selected some of the most thrilling two-sentence funny short stories for adults from Reddit and filled with horror, and turned them into a short series of chilling and spine-tingling comics. I used the word funny previously, because each short story has got a funny twist to it and I recommend that this post is only for adults.

Unwelcome intruders, texts from the afterlife, and dug-up bones are just small previews of what is coming next. Take your courage in both hands and read further down this post just to observe the spooky atmosphere of these thrilling short stories for adults resumed in 2 sentences.


short horror stories





The credits goes to BoredPanda which introduced to me another writing style.


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