Funny navy pictures to navigate over the seven seas

Being in the navy is something very honorable and something to be very proud of. These funny navy pictures are just here to show that being in the navy is very hard but can aolso be funny. 

Funny navy pictures to navigate over the seven seas

Captain: The sea seems to be rough today

funny navy pictures
Captain: The sea seems to be rough today

Join the navy to see the end of the world, they said!

funny navy pictures 2
Join the navy to see the end of the world, they said!

I see water everywhere.

funny navy pictures 5
I see water everywhere

Never stand only on one side of the boat

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Never stand only on one side of the boat

The Navy budget is very low this year

funny navy pictures 3
The Navy budget is very low this year

Human Rockets locked to target

funny navy pictures 4
Human Rockets locked to target

Hey Beautiful!

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Hey Beautiful!

Meanwhile in the Navy…

funny navy pictures 9
Meanwhile in the Navy…

If you are a true Navy, you will notice the ship

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If you are a true Navy, you will notice the ship


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