15 funny call center memes to show why agents hate their work

Most people working in call centers really hate their jobs and usually are still working there because they have no other choice. Being a call agent implies lots of patience doing the routine stuff like talking and answering phones and you always end up working till late at odd hours and doing overtime just like a robot. There are many reasons why you would not want to work as a call agent, and these funny call center memes will show you why.

Call center agents sometimes get the short end of the stick. Human beings can be difficult creatures to deal with, especially when they are experiencing issues with a product or service that prompts a call to customer service. It’s not uncommon for decency and common sense to go out the window. This is where funny call center memes come into the picture. While most of us only experience the customer side of these interactions, we thought our readers would enjoy seeing how virtual receptionists and call answering agents experience it.

The only job where you don’t want overtime.

funny call center memes 1

System is down.

funny call center memes 2

I work in a box.

funny call center memes 3

What is hell like?

funny call center memes 4

You always come across a nutshell.

funny call center memes 5

Wrong number.

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Breaks over as soon as it starts.

funny call center memes 7

I can transfer unwanted calls.

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Calls in a never-ending queue.

funny call center memes 9

Will this end one day?

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Lies can help a lot.

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You need energy drinks to survive.

funny call center memes 12

The only job where your looks dont matter.

funny call center memes 13

Perseverance is the key to success.

 funny call center memes 14

Taking the blame with a smile.

funny call center memes 15


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