These 15 anti Christmas memes are there to ruin the spirit of Christmas

The Christmas season is just around the corner, a moment of festival whereby everyone enjoy the happy mood. However, not all people like Christmas, even that may sound surprising; for them, they dread when Christmas comes since they need to buy gifts for others, which are not in an agenda. And also, they lack the spirit of Christmas which is that of rejoicing and enjoyment. These anti Christmas memes resume the lack of spirit and mood from people to celebrate the joyful event coming at the end of the year.

15 Anti Christmas memes to ruin the Christmas mood


still two more months to go


nobody puts me on a naughty list


it's the grumpy season


shopping for Christmas


when will the holidays be over


anti christmas memes


christmas shopping


I hate christmas


pagan christmas


save money on christmas


i hate christmas music


wake me when it's over


most terrible time of the year


stop smiling


gifts purchased zero

If you want more similar posts on Christmas, you can check out this article on hilarious Christmas memes.


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