5 Life Lessons From Supervillains

When it comes to role models, people usually (and stupidly) look to superheroes. But I suppose that, if you squint, you could see why — they’re brave, they fight for what’s right, and sometimes they’re really rich. But the truth is that if you really want to know how to live your life, you'd be better off looking to the bad guys for pointers. Here are the life lessons you'll learn from supervillains!

Dream Big


True, superheroes want to rid their cities of crime, but mostly they just want to get through their day without getting killed or brainwashed. Supervillains, on the other hand, know that what we expect from ourselves says a lot about what type of people we are. That’s why it’s important to have outsized goals like, say, stealing the moon for the sake of stealing the moon.

Learn to Work with Others

catwoman henchmen batman TV

Sometimes a superhero will join forces with other caped crusaders, or they have a sidekick they can stand to lose in battle. But usually heroes fight and bleed alone. Supervillains, on the other hand, recognize the importance of teamwork. That's why they always hire henchmen — working with others not only teaches you cooperation but also gives you the opportunity to be a leader, preparing you for a future managerial or tyrannical position. It’s the same reason your parents signed you up for soccer, only with the added possibility that you might conquer the world with an iron fist.

Put the effort into a relationship

Joker Batman combined

Superheroes are usually loners, but if they do ever get into a relationship, their SO will inevitably be thrown off a building. But not only do supervillains know the value of a good relationship, they spend years if not decades cultivating that relationship, reappearing time and time again to make it work, even if that means blowing up a reactor. True, a hero may know what it takes to be just, but only a supervillain knows the true meaning and rewards of commitment.

Find a Motif and Run with It

the penguin with penguins

People are complicated. It can take forever to get to know someone, only for you to make a new discovery that changes everything. But supervillains are remarkably straightforward. They know that to get their message across and make their brand memorable, they have to boil things down to the basics. So everything becomes about penguins, or riddles, or ice. Sure, they may look batsh*t nuts, but they get the job done.

Always Enjoy What You Do

Lex Luthor laughing

”Why so serious?” Yes, when the Joker says it while brandishing a knife, it’s terrifying, but he does have a point. While superheroes nowadays are all so glum they look like Eeyore off his meds, supervillains realize life is to be enjoyed. Everything's a game to them. Everything's exciting for them. Everything's up for grabs to them (especially if their giant magnet works).

What have you learned from super villains? Let us know on Twitter @Smosh!

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