Twitter’s New ‘Stickers’ Are Snapchat Filters for Tweets

Twitter unleashed its latest piece of offensive in its eternal battle with with Snapchat by introducing Stickers, which are basically a mashup of the filters made popular by… Snapchat.


As you can see, Twitter's Stickers are essentially emoji you can put on top of a photo (the same way Snapchat allows you to put the dog with the long tongue on top of a photo). Whenever you upload a photo to Twitter, you can add a few Stickers to it before you send out the tweet.

There are the Stickers you can see in the picture above that anyone can randomly use at any time, but because Twitter is all about what's happening/trending RIGHT NOW, they're going to have unique stickers for special events, too. When that happens, the Stickers will work like hashtags, where if you tap on a Sticker in a photo, it'll list all of the other people using that Sticker in their timeline. (This is kind of their version of Snapchat Shared Stories).

Because it literally just rolled out, Twitter hasn't started charging for any of its stickers, or allowed advertisers to make their own for promotional purposes (a la that X-Men takeover on Snapchat), but there's no doubt that if Stickers catch on with users, the advertising will roll in. And good for Twitter, because they deserve some money for making all the hours we spend on our phones a little more fun and interesting. (But they better not only have X-Men Stickers featured one day or there will be some serious hell to pay).

So what do you think of the Stickers? A fun addition to Twitter, or just another way to have ads thrown in your face at all times? Let us know on Twitter @Smosh!

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