Top 10 methods to work out at the gym without exercising

Everyday I want to go to the gym to exercise, but I don’t really make it. The motivation is there but my body does not follow what my mind says.

And if occasionally I do make it to the gym, the outcome is disastrous afterwards. I strain myself so much and feel so hungry that I compensate it with ice cream and junkies. Like many of you, I also believed I had to go to the gym to exercise to get the nice feeling of working out afterwards, but the truth is that there are great ways to reap all the rewards of feeling like you worked out, without any of the benefits of actually exercising.

Here are 10 great ways to do that:

#1 Sleep in your gym clothes

Wear your gym clothes while going to be every night. When you wake up, you will have one less thing to do. And if ever you dont want to get up, sleeping in your gym clothes is a great alternative to go to the gym.

Tip: If you wear your gym clothes all the time, you will constantly feel that you have worked out.

And what’s nice about it, the others who see you, feel bad about not going to the gym and admire your courage.


#2 Warm up with a glass of wine

It is a common fact that alcohol makes everything easy, especially when you have difficulties in doing something.

Thus, drinking a glass of wine just before going to the gym has the following benefits:
1. You tend to show extreme confidence at the gym, intimidating others around you.
2. You wont even notice that you are using the machines the wrong way.
3. You think that you have invented a new technique for exercising.
4. You feel you have spent 2 hours at the gym (passed ou on the treadmill).
5. You wont remember if you really worked out, so you just assume that you actually did it.
6. You whole body aches making you feel you have worked out (but actually you just have body aches from sleeping on the treadmill).


#3 “Accidentally” forget something

“Accidently” forgetting something like your bottle of water, earphones or towel is a good method to actually go to the gym and leave immediately.

Don’t forget to share this on Facebook or Twitter to show how pissed off you are at yourself for forgetting these stuffs and not be able to exercise at the gym.


#4 The perfect 60 minute workout

This involves doing 10 minutes of stretching down on the ground and then relaxing your eyes and body in the sauna for 50 minutes.

Stretching involves doing yoga but with a lot of napping in it. Then spending 50 minutes in the sauna will make you feel the burn without actually burning anything.


#5 Wait for machines

If you see someone using a machine, go over and wait for him to finish. Ask them how long they will take, and if they say for a few minutes, tell them that you cant wait. Then go to another machine with someone on it and wait. Repeat the procedure again and again, this will make you feel as if you have worked out.

And if you end up sitting on a machine, spend some time adjusting it and then leave.

And if you end up on a treadmill, pretend it’s broken and walk away.


#6 Fill your water bottle

Fill and refill you bottle of water to while away the time since hydration is important while working out. Doing this, will make you feel like you actually worked out.


#7 Do some fake weight training

Pick some light dumbbells and stretch out on your back for a moment and then put down the weights back, you will get the sensation of being strong for a change. And what’s nice about it, the others won’t even notice that you didn’t actually exercise.


#8 Look like you’re keeping track of something

Continuously look at your watch with a serious look and jot something on a piece of paper as if you are keeping track of something. The other people at the gym will think you are undergoing some serious training exercise.

Play tic tac toe or do a puzzle if you get bored.


#9 Wear a towel and sunglasses

Look cool with sunglasses when you come to the gym. This will make you super duper cool and others wont even know if you are sleeping.

Sprinkle some water on your face and wrap a moist towel around your neck, it will look as if you worked out real hard.


#10 Leave looking like a pro

Leave the gym like you have worked out really very hard, with sprinkled water on your hair and face, a half-filled bottle of water to make as if you have been drinking it and with a giant gym handbag in hand.

Dont forget you super duper cool sunglasses to play it cool. And act very tired so that others envy you wile you leave.

Eventually, this will make you feel like you worked out hard at the gym.

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