This Fan Theory Will Make You See SpongeBob In A Whole New Light

SpongeBob SquarePants is one of the goofiest and most lovable characters in modern times. He seems pretty simple, but is he really? According to Reddit user arbidymeindustries, he may not be as simple as he seems. In fact, his theory will completely change what you may think about the show all together. Is SpongeBob more than just a dumb sea sponge? Is he in fact actually a Roman God? Wait..what?

You may remember the episode from Season 1’s “Neptune’s Spatula,” in which King Neptune transforms our square-shaped sponge into a rock hard muscle-y Roman God. Refresher:


And although SpongeBob lost the god-like physique, we never actually saw him officially turned back into a mere mortal. I know, right? I mean clearly SpongeBob seems unaware of his powers, that kinda explains how he is constantly getting himself into trouble. All of this makes sense with out any evidence at all! BUT as with any good theory, there is lots of evidence!
Exhibit A: SpongeBob seems to have some kind of power over the supernatural community


Well first of all the Reddit user points to the episode where SpongeBob was turned into a God in the first place. While at the beginning of the episode Neptune mocks SpongeBob, by the end he treats him with deference which would be weird considering Neptune is the real God, UNLESS SpongeBob still was a God. They also point to SponegBob's numerous victories against the Flying Dutchman, something he's done with seemingly no fear. Which I always chalked about to blissful ignorance. So pretty good start on the ol' evidence. BUT WAIT! There's more!

Exhibit B: Spongebob has the god-like ability to create life


Think about it, there's Bubble Buddy, Frankendoodle, and in "One Man's Trash," there's the Soda Drink Hat he turns into Smitty Werben Man Jensen. ONLY GOD'S DO THIS. And Dr. Frankenstein I guess. But I really don't think SpongeBob has the science skills to harness the power of lightening to animate the inanimate.
He's still kind of a dumb God. All due respect.

Exhibit C: Spongebob seems to hold control over others


Ever notice how Spongebob can sort of manipulate surreal situations into being? The Reddit post list episodes "Hall Monitor," "Christmas Who?," "Band Geeks, " and "Patty Hype," in which he hypnotizes all of Bikini Bottom to be obsessed with Pretty Patties. I mean we all were kind of accepting of SpongeBob just making strange things happen, but none of us thought he was a God. We are all cartoon atheists. SpongeBob is a god, so it's officially okay to skip church and binge of episodes of the show now. (not that I was going to church, BUT STILL!)

So what do you think? Do you recall more examples that give this theory weight?

Contributor: Desi JedeikinView Count: 92Featured: Weekly View Count: 92Content Tag: smoshsmoshpitspongebobfan theoryMass images:


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