It looks like a regular UK bus but you will be amazed or disgusted at the fuel it uses!

This is a biobus which just started service in UK. It looks like a regular bus, but when you look at the pictures drawn on the side of the bus, you understand that this bus has something very uncommon as compared to other buses.

Bristol’s Bio Bus runs on faeces and household waste. Photograph: Ben Birchall/PA

In fact the biobus is fuelled by human and household waste, which first ran between Bristol and Bath, and will operate 15-mile route four days a week.

Powered by biomethane gas, the Bio-Bus will use waste from more than 32,000 households along its 15-mile route.


Operated by First West of England, the bus will fill up at a site in Avonmouth, Bristol, where sewage and inedible food waste is turned into biomethane gas.

The bus can seat up to 40 people and if this scheme is successful, First West of England will consider introducing more “poo buses”.

I am sure you must be wondering how it looks inside the bus, so wait no longer I got a video for you.

Source: The Guardian

So before going in this bus, hold your pop to avoid having a shortage of fuel! Please share this post with your friends since it is worth sharing.



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