Funny supernatural memes which only serious fans will truly understand

I am myself no big fan of the Supernatural episodes, however whenever I do watch an episode, I am literally captivated till the end. There are many people out there who don’t miss any episode when featured on TV. Only those fans who are devoted and addicted to the serial will understand these funny Supernatural memes. For those who are unaware of this serial, let me provide a brief introduction about its content.

This haunting series follows the thrilling yet terrifying journeys of Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers who face an increasingly sinister landscape as they hunt monsters. After losing their mother to a supernatural force, the brothers were raised by their father as soldiers who track mysterious and demonic creatures. Violent memories and relationship-threatening secrets add additional burdens on Sam and Dean as they investigate all things that go bump in the night. As old tricks and tools are rendered useless and friends betray them, the brothers must rely on each other as they encounter new enemies. Click on Supernatural (TV Serial) if you want to read more about it.

27 funny Supernatural memes only serious fans will understand

This list of funny Supernatural memes will enlighten the true fans of the TV serial and will reinforce their craze for this serial. If you like, please share with other fans so that they can also enjoy their passion for Supernatural TV episodes. I am sure that after reading this post, you will surely go to your laptop to re-watch the episodes of Supernatural to relive these wonderful moments.

Never say ‘Supernatural is stupid’.

I don’t serve Man or you, but I do serve sandwiches.

The beef is so salty.

The 3 rules of Dean.

When you say you will just watch one episode of Supernatural…

We kill Vampires that sparkle for free.

Why is it always you three?

The new Defense against Dark Arts teachers in Hogwarts.

No one gets me.

What if the Apocalypse had happened and someone stopped it?

Say it again and I will kill all your family!

You me hug???

When we want something badly, we lie… and then we become president!

Try doing it twice.

When someone says they love Supernatural!

Call 911, we have an emergency here.

Can you please stop re-blogging stuffs about Supernatural to me?

The Holy Water Bucket Challenge

Got a problem? Salt and burn it.

“Heavens no” and “Hell yes”.

We don’t always die but when we do, we don’t.

Remember when you tried to kill me.

Real badass don’t even to look where they are driving.

What happens when you see light flickers?

In the same category of ‘memes’, we have this funny post on funny cow puns you can read on to help you laugh your head out.


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