40+ funny puns for adults since only adults can understand them!

If you read one of my previous articles on punny jokes, you will know what this punny thing is all about. In reality, I am a big fan of puns because they have a tendency to twist something, a text or a sentence and transform it into something really funny. In this article, Hahahumor has tried to bring to you this list on funny puns for adults since only adults would really understand what the puns are all about.

Looks like he had a stroke

I got fired!

Make me one with everything

You take my breath away!


I miss you Berry much!

Coffee Break!

What do you called a tired pea?


Stay PAWsitive!

I hate Russian Dolls.. so full of themselves

It was nice to meat you. We can Ketchup!

You need to be spoontaneous.

Pure Bread Cat.

What do you call an Alligator in a vest?

What do you call an everyday Potato?

Who is the King of all Supplies?

I Scream Cone!!!

Bears without Bees

Chocolate Milk Shake

Christian Bale

Feeling a Bit Melancholy

Get Outta of Here

Hay… It’s in my Jeans

He has so many Fans

Huge Mistake

I Am under Attack

I Don’t Wanna Talk About It

I have never met her before

I Know A Guy

It Became Sort of a Habit

It was tense in the bar

Kiss under the MissileToe


Love you from Head to Toes

Made Quite a Spectacle of Myself

My Puns are KoalaTea (Quality)

Spring is Around the Corner

Subordinate Clauses

That’s the Silliest Thing I’ve ever Heard

Well Well Well What have we go there!

You Hang Around and I’ll go on a Head

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