Warning: You’re Losing Money by Not Using Funny Names!

There are so many many people in this world and each one of them has got a name which can be either very common or uncommon. However, there are some uncommon names which can be real funny in  the sense that whenever you hear them, they remind you of another thing which globally makes it a funny name. As such, one important thing that most people with funny names are not aware, is that they have a huge potential of being popular and they are losing money if they are not using that potential. You are gonna ask me, how it is that possible? Because very often, people with funny names are ridiculed and laughed at.

Often people change their original name to unique pseudo names who are really funny as these names are more captivating and attractive. One example is of Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg who changed his name to PewDiePie on social media and managed to gain fame and fortune via these social networks by being a leading video game commentator of all time. Today he has over 39 million subscribers and his videos have been viewed over 10 billion times, making him the most subscribed YouTube Channel with a fortune of approximately $12 million dollars.

Funny Names means business!

Just imagine the kind of potential those people with original funny names have. They have the opportunity to be so famous and rich with even knowing it. You will a list of those people with originally funny names which might just one day reach the top.

Mister Love

Yeah you heard it right! Mister Love, that’s his name. He was apprehended with a charge of failing to report. Failing to report what? Love? Anyway whatever the reason is, this guy has already started to make it to the top on appearing on TV. If ever you come across this guy, be sure to ask him what he did so that we can update it here.

Yoshie Takeshita

This is a typical example where someone with a funny name has made fame and fortune. For those who don’t know her, Yoshie Takeshita is a Japanese volleyball player who played for JT Marvelous. She plays for the All-Japan women’s volleyball team and was a participant at the 2004 Summer Olympics, 2008 Summer Olympics and 2012 Olympics. And she takes the shit out of the other volleyball players, if you know what I mean!

Demetrie.jpg Wilson

I would really love to be have a picture format extension , .jpg attached to my name. It looks so cool. I am sure he must be very popular in college and being remembered in the school yearbook by that name for others to come is so great.

Oliver Loser

If you needed to vote for that guy, would you do it? The name is very unique and original and being very controverse to what will happen if he ever wins the elections. On winning, will he change the name to Oliver Winner or not? However, as you can see, the funny name he has is no obstacle for him to endeavour in trying to reach his goals.

Kash Register

This guy has got the kick off for starting to make money, that is, a funny name and the potential to cash in money in his register. The guy has got exonerated from all crimes by the State, so he is already very popular on the media, which is a big start.

Paul Twocock

This guy with this funny name that he has is fighting for Gay rights, which is quite ironic or clicks into the puzzle perfectly. He has already made it in terms of popularity by being broadcasted on BBC.

Dr. Hurt

I am sure you will meet Dr. Hurt. He is an experienced dentist by profession and his CV says that he was in the US Air Force to fight the war against tooth decay. Please make it a must to send him a visit for a dental checkup.

Park, Jurassic

The parents must have been real die-hard fans of Jurassic Park to have named their son like that. And being the Head of Group with this name is really cool. Its just like James Bond – when people ask him his name, he says.”My name is Park, Jurassic Park!”

Lord Brain

A doctor working in the Clinical Neurology and having the funny name Lord Brain is like one in a million. He is already popular and has a huge potential to keep on reaching the top.

Mr. Butt

This is by far the most coolest funny names I have ever heard. My opinion is that he must be a professor of the Art studies. He has the guts to teach in front of all these students which wont miss a chance to laugh at him. That’s what makes him unique and popular.


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