Death defying freerunner photographs his way around rooftops all over the world

A freerunner from Moreton on the Wirral, Merseyside has got two passions in his life. the first one is a love for photography and secondly performing death defying feats. The guy’s name is Esty Ilabaca, aged 20, decided to merge his two passions together while going around the world. Some of his extraordinary feats are shown in his photographs.

Above, Esty with his brother Daniel (black top) in the Yosemite National Park, California.

Esty insists that he does mount to the top of buildings and mountain ledges just for the thrills. He also says it’s not advisable to go up there for the adrenaline rush because it can be very dangerous.

Esty’s brother Daniel rests on a ledge in the Yosemite National Park, California.

“It’s an incredible thing to look down and seeing the city from a different perspective from high above.”

Esty was introduced to the extreme hobby by his older brother and professional parkour athlete Daniel, 27, 11 years ago and has not looked back since. The youngster combined the hobby with his newfound passion of photography after a trampolining accident broke his neck in two places a year ago.

Above, Esty on a building opposite the Three Graces building in Liverpool

Esty travelled around South America with his family for four months after his recovery and took high-altitude shots in Santiago, Chile, to hone his photography skills. The two passions have grown into a full-time ambition and unemployed Esty dreams of combining them into a fully paid career.

Above Liverpool city centre

Although he has explored every inch of his home city, Esty has dreams of tackling the free running parkour paradise of the skyscrapers in New York.

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco

But his antics in Tokyo (above) are the ones he has loved the most. Esty said: “I love Japan. The life out there is completely different and unique and a lot more lively…

…There is always plenty of stuff to climb there. The free running community is like one big family and I just get invites from friends from all over the world and then I off I go.”

Hanging out in LA

Los Angeles

Los Angeles

Tokyo skyline from a crane



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