5 Game Series With Way Too Many Sequels To Keep Track Of

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right guys? Nowhere is that a more correct or financially viable phrase than the world of video games. Some of your favorite franchises just keep going. And going. And going. Like… some sort of rabbit. Here are five game franchises with ridiculous amounts of sequels.

The WWE Smackdown Franchise


Number of Games:12

I’m not even talking just WWE games in general, of which there have been SO many more — I'm just talking about the games with the word "Smackdown" in the title, from Smackdown vs. Raw to the rudely-titled Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth. Hey game, I hear that enough in my normal life, I don’t need my entertainment telling me to pipe down too.

Call of Duty


Number of Games:15

It doesn’t matter if there are 15 games or 50 games, shooting people at a ghastly rate will always be just as fun as it is to make jokes about the word "Duty".

The Legend of Zelda


Number of Games:18

Nearly two dozen games in the main series alone, and I guarantee people STILL confuse Zelda with Link.

Assassin’s Creed


Number of Games:20

There was already enough rooftop stalking going on in the digital realm, and now Assassin's Creed is about to be a major motion picture starring Michael Fassbender of all people! This one may just be a good… HA! No, no, no. Video game movies will continue to let us down, friends. They’re the deadbeat parents of the entertainment industry.

Street Fighter


Number of Games:17

There’s some weird stuff happening in the space-time continuum when 17 games have come out, yet we’re still calling the newest one Street Fighter V.

Which series do you hope they never, ever stop making sequels for? Let me know on Twitter!

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