These ’80s Versions of Justin Bieber Songs Are Something Else

Did you know perpetual bad boy Justin Bieber was a pop star in the '80s? TRONICBOX made glorious ‘80s versions of some of some of the Bieb’s biggest hits and I could almost believe they were genuine. No joke, Justin actually looks really good with feathered hair. Please listen to these or you’ll be Sorry.

1) What Do You Mean it’s 1985?


I want to dance to this in a giant hot pink tulle dress at a cheesy Homecoming dance decorated with streamers and Bon Jovi posters. And make sure you don’t turn this off before you get to the sax solo. You owe it to yourself, and the memory of the 1980s, to hear it.

2) Love Yourself VHS


My god, the keyboard on this song is just divine. Then listen to that bass line… damn, girl. I cannot stop grooving. My shoulders are moving with a life of their own right now.

Where Are Ü Now, '80s synth players? It makes No Sense that we don’t make music like this anymore. No Pressure if you’re busy or whatever but Life Is Worth Living at the top of the charts, ya know? Justin Bieber is good Company to have at the top! We may not even have been Children during the ‘80s but we know good tunes when we hear them. Modern music is okay, you Get Used To It. But We Are All In It for '80s throwbacks, Trust.

I hope I have adequately explained The Feeling of the modern generation towards '80s music. If you need further explanation just tweet at me @erikaheidewald and I’ll Show You. Mark My Words. (Not sure why I chose to do this but I did it on Purpose.)

Contributor: Erika HeidewaldView Count: 10Featured: Weekly View Count: 10Content Tag: smoshsmoshpitbieberjustin bieber80ssynthMass images:


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