Raven cosplays are so dark| Don’t try to mess with her!

Many people will not know about Raven unless they have watched the comic serial titled “The Teen Titans”. I remember watching this every day when I was a little kid. Raven is extremely powerful and walks with the good superheroes, however she also a very dark side which makes her even more powerful. So, it’s best not to make her angry, otherwise you will have to bear the consequences. As a matter of fact, this post deals with Raven cosplays, each one being more realistic than the other. Enjoy theses cosplays and share to make Raven known to those who are unaware of her identity.

Raven is also a bird, black in color, which has been often associated with death and dark omens. Many Europeans saw ravens as evil in disguise and also ravens have been featured in many myths as a warning for the passage of Gods. There are some very interesting facts about ravens which you can read in this article on facts about ravens.

Raven cosplay

See Also: Realistic Cosplays


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