Cradle Your Cat and Stay Cool With The Mewgaroo

Andrew LaSanefiled under: cats, fashion Like us on Facebook [youtube]

Envious of marsupials and the cozy pouches that they use to carry their young? According to Gizmodo, Japan-based retailer Unihabitat offers the next best thing for cat owners who feel the same parental connection to their pets: a hoodie with a built-in kangaroo pocket to keep kitties comfy and entertained while you hold them.

The Summer Mewgaroo Hoodie is a warm weather update to the original design and now comes sans sleeves. The hoodie—able to hold a cat or other small animal weighing 15 pounds or less—features a cotton lining that is removable for separate washing, drying, and lint rolling. Unihabitat also suggests that cold gel mats be inserted into the pocket to lower the temperature on particularly hot days so that your mewgaroo is comfortable.

The Summer Mewgaroo Hoodie has a suggested retail price of 6000 Japanese Yen (about $60). Grab one now via Amazon or through the Unihabitat website.

[h/t Gizmodo]

Images via Unihabitat

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