Funny electrician memes|Want to get your fuse blown?

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Whenever you have fix a light bulb or do an electrical installation, you always call the electrician. The electrician is always on call and ready to help out and fix any electrical issues. Very often the job of an electrician is criticized or under-valued, when in fact, without them life would be so dark. Thus as a tribute to recognize the value of the electrician job, Hahahumor has prepared this funny list on electrician memes. So if you understand a little bit of circuits and wires, you will surely understand and like this post on funny electrician memes. Certainly, some electrician humor wont do you any harm.

I am in a relationship

The army electrician

So true!

Switches love electricity

How to make the new owners run away

Word of Wireless Technology

We will not make these ever

I am here to check your box

It was too easy.

I got a new haircut

Serve the light!

You got what you asked for,right!

Electrician Pun

It will be fun, they said!

Look for it.

When they said come see the new strippers, I didnt expect this!

Light just Fell!

Demons and Shits!

I know what I am doing!

Pervert Electrician!

We dont get along well!


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